Thursday, August 27, 2020

Biomolecules Free Essays

With the end goal for understudies to get a superior comprehension on bimolecular, Mr.. Wilkinson had them direct a lab on Friday in class. We will compose a custom paper test on Biomolecules or on the other hand any comparable point just for you Request Now During the lab, understudies ere requested to combine synthetic compounds with elephant pee and archive any Chant gees In the arrangements. Contingent upon every change, understudies were approached to watch and choose whether or not there were any macromolecules in the substances. During our perception, a significant number of the outcomes returned adjusted in some structure, implying that macromolecules were available in the concoction. We consequently knew this when the fluids dropped on the paper sack got translucent inside a couple of moments, since the fats in the substance are what mama squeeze it see through. This came as a worry in light of the fact that the tests proposed that the tangent’s body isn't working as it should. At the point when individuals are wiped out, supplements, macromolecules got through the food we eat, might go through the b odd without being retained and wind up being disposed of in our pee. In our Patti net’s case, bunches of macromolecules were found in their pee, showing a potential issue, and it was concurred that further testing ought to be finished. This lab ended up being fascinating and even end up being very instructive. In this lab, took in the contrasts among negative and positive controls, and why they were huge in an examination. Albeit a few sets sacks The most effective method to refer to Biomolecules, Papers

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Mission And Vision Of Etihad Airways Tourism Essay

Crucial Vision Of Etihad Airways Tourism Essay 1.â â â â Identify the Mission and Vision of Etihad Airways. The national banner bearer of the UAE, Etihad Airways and its excursion so far since its origin in 2003 have made some amazing progress to radiates in class, quality and abundant neighborliness which were essential for the carrier to make a serious edge in the business everywhere and in the market regularly known for its serious condition. Notwithstanding, the greater test is remaining at the top and advancing further in such unpredictable market condition. Taking a voyage through the organization site ( we go to the information that Etihad and its administrations in the business is at standard with world class desires. Subsequently it will be legitimate on the off chance that we investigate all the pertinent components of the basic procedure of the organization and how it works throughout each and every day in setting a guide for itself to be perceived as one of the quickest developing national banner transporter of the UAE, and a rival in the business. Furthermore, the accompanying conversation identifies with every perspective the large scale financial aspects investigation, PESTLE ideas, and SWOT examination. Strategic Vision of Etihad Airways Before we endeavor to distinguish the vision and mission of Etihad carriers, it will be appropriate to relate on Etihad story and its creation. In that substance, the corporate correspondence from the aircraft part depicts how specifically the carrier is not the same as the chafing swarm. Notwithstanding set joy back into flying is likewise one of the aircraft aphorism and story of a record of their social viewpoints. (Etihadairways, 2010) We can additionally include that the vision of Etihad aircraft is likewise firmly connected to its Arabian legacy specifically. Take for example the corporate correspondence in such manner, which expresses that mirroring the national personality of the nation and its Arabian legacy and neighborliness is one prevailing element, where refined ways to deal with accommodation, aside from chivalrous, liberal and warm cordiality are at the foundations of Etihad social mix. The vision of the carrier is likewise to get one of the worldwide aircrafts that radiate a really 21st century, where challenges, and evolving condition, in addition to a connecting with vision to break the show, (Etihad, 2010) establishes its profound established vision. Therefore, Etihad Airways strategic any chivalrous corporate is to give an invigorating inviting to their visitor, where travel ought to be protected and secure in a domain that is benevolent, and where worldwide gauges in the two terms is rehearsed, be it friendliness or in the specialized viewpoints in guaranteeing a sheltered excursion for its visitors. (Etihad, 2010) 2.â â â â How is the Macro-Environment of Etihad Airways in UAE? Dissect the impacts of the PESTLE factors in the dynamic. Large scale Environment of Etihad Airways in UAE In financial terms, full scale condition identifies with factors that are wild and that which are fluctuating. Consequently, in full scale financial matters sense, and when it concerns organizations, large scale level models incorporates impartially based factors and factors, for example, social, social, innovative and any semblance of political powers, dialects, religion geology, financial matters coalitions, (Mooij, 2004, p. 55) and so forth, which assumes a huge job in choosing authoritative relative administration in a worldwide economy. Consequently, it is the same when it concerns Etihad also in such manner, given that market powers now and again assumes a vital job in choosing the organization procedures and its administration, where the comprehension of assembly and difference at the full scale level is significant (Mooij, 2004, p. 56) particularly for aircraft that face a serious domain in the worldwide business. Regardless, to be increasingly exact in mirroring the full scale condition of Etihad Airways, news reports offers go-ahead for the Etihad as far as large scale condition factorial angles, given that the aircraft as of late expanded its market top and worldwide systems, where an understanding was scorched with Yemen aviation routes. (Karam, 2008)Hence in monetary sense, the concurrence with Yemen aircrafts will gives Etihad clients a higher turn in the two way travel and meanwhile it will likewise gives Yemen Airways client an entrance to Etihad aviation routes systems, state CEO of the organization, James Hogan. (Karam, 2008) In such regard to the improvement of the full scale condition factors, apparently Ethiad is very much positioned as far as its intensity. What's more, the principal quarter development for the budgetary years finishing 2010, Etihad announced a 25.4% bounce in its development, which according to industry insightful examination is path above, because of elements, for example, the expansion in quantities of seats in Etihad, which is one significant venture that chose the aircraft destiny as needs be. (BIStaffReporter, 2010) In this manner, the above news report is one genuine guide to mirror the large scale condition of Etihad aviation routes in UAE, and a reality that Etihad stood the trial of time in full scale financial sense. Impacts of the PESTLE factors in the dynamic On account of Etihad, it is accepted that dynamic is additionally at the underlying foundations of the board imbroglio. In any case, what shocks us is the way that Etihad in all occasions including its methodologies have come out without a hitch and achievement. That intrigues it to think about how the PESTLE factors impact dynamic at Etihad. In any case, what is a PESTLE variable? Comprehended in straightforward terms, PESTLE variable or PESTLE investigation of full scale condition mirror the large scale financial ideas, for example, the one examined previously. Likewise burdens, new laws and any semblance of administrative arrangements and so on, additionally impacts firms dynamic. (OxfordUniversityPress, 2007) Consequently, A PESTEL variable comprises the components that are applicable to impact dynamic. It can appear as Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental lastly Legal components which characterizes the earth of an organization. (OxfordUniversityPress, 2007) Laying accentuation to this thought, we can commute home the realities that Etihad Airways is in accordance with regarding all the ecological guideline while directing business. The organization with Masdar marked in 2009 is one essential factor on the natural front and choice came to in such manner. (EtihadAirways1, 2010) On the political variables, Etihad is known be consistent with neighborhood and international strategy creators, be it in US, UK and in UAE. In addition, on the legitimate components, its persuasions are fundamental concerning Etihad the executives. In addition, mechanical and social viewpoints additionally become the dominant focal point in affecting choice at Etihad, and the accompanying SWOT investigation bears tribute. 3.â â â â Conduct a SWOT Analysis of the Internal and External condition of Etihad Airways. Closing on SWOT examination: The Internal and External condition of Etihad Airways Quality: The greatest quality of Etihad can be laid accentuation to its reality class administrations. Furthermore, as a rival in the market, Etihad grants itself talks volume on this front. (EtihadAirways2, 2010) Shortcoming: When it matter to Etihad more vulnerable focuses, news report relates that its freight division present some of it, given that income factors are likewise impressively made out from load tasks. With no vital blueprint, payload division endures. In any case, with new initiative in line and vital advancement embraced, there is a positive extension that such shortcoming additionally can be survived, state Etihad insiders. (KhaleejTimes, 2010) Openings: As we have related above, Etihad Airways is presently various understandings, be it with Yemen Airlines as related above, or any semblance of extending its goal far and wide in outside business sectors. Thus, the universal Air Service Contract granted by the Federal Government of Australia as of late as announced in (AmeInfo, 2010) presents the crafty foundation of the organization, we can finish up. Dangers: In the worldwide condition, dangers are central, particularly concerning carrier industry. In that regard, Etihad has taken unique measure to refresh and keep it visitor educated regarding any adjustments in guideline, be it in the local or global courses, (AmeInfo1, 2006) so as to stay away from with any issue that may emerge because of business dangers.

Friday, August 21, 2020

How to Write a Methodology For Research Paper

How to Write a Methodology For Research PaperYou should always be well aware of the importance of a methodology for a research paper. It is essential that you need to have an organized structure that can help you with the entire research process. The whole reason why a methodology is required is because it will help you keep track of your research objective. A methodology for a research paper also helps you organize the different aspects of your research.A proper method is required by all students for the reason that it is the ultimate tool to enable them to track their progress and know what to work on next. It is even needed by students who want to do thesis writing as a way of reflecting on the thesis and its structure. In addition, it also plays a vital role in evaluating the research done in a paper or research project.In order to know how to write a methodology for a research paper, you need to know first the difference between theory and analysis. Analytical methods are used i n research projects that aim to provide an opinion about a certain subject matter. Theory on the other hand is an analysis that attempts to provide an explanation of a particular area of knowledge. They do not look at the subject from a statistical point of view but rather from a different perspective. Their approach is different and very different from the systematic methods that were common for past decades.If you want to learn how to write a methodology for a research paper, you need to understand the two different approaches. One would simply look at a subject from the point of view of statistics, while the other analyzes the subject from the perspective of the social sciences. You can learn more about the methods that can be applied in the topic area of your choice by taking the help of a professional.The first step is to have a proper structure for your methodology. The second step is to have a methodical plan of the various steps that need to be performed to achieve the goals set forth. These stages should include identification of the goal, analyzing the goal, formulation of the procedure or the whole research, defining the specific problems or focus areas, and the derivation of the data to support the conclusions. The determination of a specific goal is the most significant part of your methodology. This is the basis for all subsequent steps.Every person is different when it comes to writing how to write a methodology for a research paper. It depends on the personality, the goal of the paper, and the specific problem being tackled. What's important is that you are clear about the approach that you want to take.Research papers need to be meticulously researched and prepared. A good research methodology does help in producing a well-written paper. If there are any points that you need to take care of, it would be best to discuss it with your thesis supervisor. In addition, he or she might be able to provide you with better guidance or solutions.In concl usion, how to write a methodology for a research paper includes having a well-organized plan that involves defining the problem and gathering the proper information. This is also the foundation for your research.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Effects Of Major Depression Disorder ( Mdd ) - 1565 Words

Affect on the Diagnosed Individual Major depression disorder (MDD) is a serious mental disorder that has an intense impact on the individuals social and economic mobile functioning, directly related to increased disability, absenteeism from employment, and social exclusion (Haddad Gunn, 2011). Research suggests that mothers who are depressed have the potential to genetically predispose their children to social, cognitive impaired development; it appears as though offspring may experience heightened susceptibility to experience occurrences of depression and other mental health problems later in development (Haddad Gunn, 2011). An individual that has MDD may experience feelings of worthlessness, and inappropriate guilt (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). Feelings of hopelessness initiate an distorted view of self, this can be lethal, by way of suicidal ideations or substance misuse. Relevantly, approximately 60 percent of individuals that have committed suicide have had depression, and individuals who are younge r in age that commit suicide are more likely to have alcohol use disorder (AUD) or another substance use disorder (SUD) in addition to MDD (Haddad Gunn, 2011). Potential Affect on Social Support Systems Depression has the potential to affect the family dynamic, career, and community systems such as school settings and public healthcare. It is estimated that annual expenditures of depression in the United States of America account in excess of $80 billionShow MoreRelatedEffects Of 1.major Depressive Disorder ( Mdd )1618 Words   |  7 Pages Case 2 LB (MDD) 1.Major depressive disorder is linked to many causes such as biologic, cognitive, and behavioral, but the most influential of all on the development of MDD seem to be social and interpersonal factors, and genetics. This can be supported through LB’s experiences with MDD. LB is a thirteen year old girl, who has been faced with many interpersonal, familial stressors that possibly triggered or worsened her depression. Her parents got a divorce when she was a youngRead MoreDepressive Disorder Essay1004 Words   |  5 PagesBehavioral Therapy on Depression Level among Patients with Major Depressive Disorder in Mental Health Settings: A Research Proposal Introduction Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) has a high prevalence rate; it affects more than 16.1 million American adults of the US population aged 18 years or older (Anxiety and Depression Association of America [ADAA], 2017). MDD is more common in women than in men and can develop at any age (Kessler, Berglund, Demler, 2003). Major depressive disorder is defined as aRead MoreThe Etiology, Prevalence Rates, And Symptoms Of Major Depressive Disorder1633 Words   |  7 Pageslearned that Depression is a serious illness that affects a person’s interpersonal and occupational functioning which includes working, eating, sleeping, studying, or enjoying friends and activities. On occasion, everyone has feelings of sadness, being down, or feeling â€Å"blue†; however, depression is marked by chronic lack of functioning on a daily basis with no resolve. For this paper, I will thoroughly examine the etiology, prevalence rates, and symptoms of Major Depressive Disorder. In additionRead More Neurobiological And Biological Relationships Of Major Depressive Disorder1312 Words   |  6 PagesNeurobiological and Biological Relationships to Major Depressive Disorder Biological and neurobiological studies have become more and more closely correlated with mental disorders throughout the past decade of scientific progress. This paper aims to expound models that have contributed to our developing understanding of the origins of Major depressive disorder (MDD) and treatment guidance, from both neurobiological and biological fields. It will also explore the implications, both positive and negativeRead MoreThe Symbiotic Relationship Between Hippocampal Volume And Major Mood Disorders ( Mdd ) Like Depression1169 Words   |  5 PagesIntroduction There has been a myriad of research investigating the symbiotic relationship between hippocampal volume and major mood disorders (MDD) like depression. Despite being one of the most prevalent illnesses, the underlying pathogenesis and neurobiology of MDD remain unclear. It has been widely documented that patients with a MDD tend to have smaller hippocampal volumes (Sheline et al., 1996, Nordanskog et al., 2014). The hippocampus is known to be closely affiliated with the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenalRead MoreDepression across the Lifespan1470 Words   |  6 PagesDepression is the most common mental disorder, not only for adults, but for children and teenagers as well. The DSM-IV classifies depression as a mood disorder. It states that an individual has suffered a â€Å"major depressive episode† if certain symptoms persist for at least two weeks, including a loss of enjoyment in previously pleasurable activities, a sad or irritable mood, a significant change in weight or appetite, problems sleeping or concentrating, and feelings of worthlessness. These symptomsRead MorePurpose Of The Study And Its Scientific Rigor1637 Words   |  7 Pagesof the Study and the its Scientific Rigor For the study’s purpose, MDD is separated into two different categories based on the age-of-onset: EOD and LOD.   Previous studies have indicated that EOD patients suffer more suicide attempts, irritability, sadness, childhood-onset anxiety disorders, neuroticism, and other atypical symptoms than LOD patients. Additionally, it has been found that EOD patients have a high familial risk of MDD. Though psychological and genetic correlations have been studied,Read MoreThe Effects Of Major Depressive Disorder805 Words   |  4 PagesNearly 1 in 5 people will experience a major depressive episode at some point in their lives (Zhang, Li, Sha, Bu, 2015). Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a widespread problem that can affect anyone regardless of gender or age. MDD is one of the most common mental illnesses (with an estimated lifetime prevalence of 16.6%) and is associated with significant impairments in social, occupational, and educational functioning (Synder, 2013). Depression causes problems in a person’s everyday life. ThereRead MoreThe Case Of Major Depressive Disorder973 Words   |  4 Pages42-year-old white female who is experiencing increase anxiety, depressed mood, and a number of related complaints. Based on Eileen’s Chief complaint of persistent feeling of depression, and anxiety, it’s believed that Eileen could be suffering from a mild case of Major Depressive Disorder and/or Generalized anxiety disorder. Both MDD and GAD are believed to be cause by a combination of biological psychological, and social source of distress, in which most can be observed based on the provided transcriptRead MoreThe Woman Who Feels Out Of Control Case Study1388 Words   |  6 PagesThe Case of the Woman Who Feels Out of Control Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a common mental health disorder seen in primary care. It effects all age groups, although the presenting signs and symptoms will vary at different ages. Many clients have somatic symptoms that mask the depression symptoms and make it difficult for physicians to diagnose MDD. Patients with this disorder have difficulty with work and social functioning. There is an increase in comorbidity with chronic illnesses.

Friday, May 15, 2020

The Right to Privacy - 1152 Words

Personal interest in the right to privacy has intensified in recent years along with the rapid development of new technologies. A century later, these concerns remain, but many others have joined them. Advances in information and communications technology have increased our ability to collect, store and transmit data about individuals. While these advances could be considered useful, some see them as a situation where anyone can watch and record the actions of every individual, and where the individual has lost control over information about herself and thus over her very life. As a reaction to these concerns, new regulations have been formulated to define the rights of individuals and the limits on the use of technology with respect to personal information. Among the categories of personal information, health information is of particular interest for a number of reasons including their sensitivity and serious risks for personal privacy. Also referred to as Protected Health Information, Personal Health Information (PHI) is a set of data collected by a health care professional to identify an individual and determine appropriate care. Specifically, these data include demographic information, medical history, test and laboratory results, and insurance information. Names, social security numbers, addresses, and birth dates are common identifiers of health information. Under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), revised in 2009,Show MoreRelatedPrivacy And The Right Of Privacy Essay1057 Words   |  5 Pagesrelated to the topic like right to access to information, individual’s privacy. There is free flow of data and information on web which provides a great threat to the right of privacy. So sharing p ersonal information with web at any stake is not what one can consider as wise decision. Privacy is individuals condition of life which is kept safe from rest of the world or Privacy is the right to be left alone. Carl Landwehr in his article â€Å"Privacy and Security† states that, â€Å"privacy is preserved when in-Read MorePrivacy And The Right Of Privacy993 Words   |  4 PagesEveryone should have their own privacy in order to secure our personal and business. Most people do not like when some stranger is keep looking at you anything you do and talk. In 1984, that is called Big Brother is watching you through the telescreen. Telescreen can always see and hear whatever people are doing and privacy setting. There are no such as privacy and secrets because telescreens were everywhere such as streets, houses and restrooms. In 1984, the main character is Winston Smith who worksRead MorePrivacy And The Right Of Privacy1540 Words   |  7 Pagesdefinition, privacy is the ability of an individual to seclude themselves or information about themselves from the indiv iduals around them or the community they live in. Almost all countries have laws in place to protect an individual’s privacy because it is under the illusion as a fundamental human right. In this paper, I will argue laws that establish the use of contraceptives and the right to receive an abortion as a right of privacy have failed to work within society, but if the right to autonomyRead MorePrivacy Is The Right Of Privacy920 Words   |  4 Pagesnot contain reference to privacy, but privacy has been implied in the constitution. Originally, privacy is the right of everyone to be physically free from being observed or disturbed by other people. Technology has change the meaning of privacy when it became part of our daily life. Nowadays, one can be observed or disturbed through internet or any electronic devises. Privacy has become an issue for everyone when technology played a role on helping third party violate privacy; as a result, the constitutionRead MoreThe Right Of Priva cy And Privacy1554 Words   |  7 PagesDo you believe the Board of Education violated her right to privacy? Were they justified in firing her? Explain two to three (2-3) major reasons why or why not. The right to privacy is a right that gives people the ability to control all the things that are a part of us. These include one’s identity, our body, thoughts, feelings, secrets, homes and property. The right to privacy gives people the ability to choose what can be accessed by others, while controlling the extent, timing and the use ofRead MorePrivacy Rights And The Privacy3319 Words   |  14 Pagescountries and organizations are approaching privacy issues along with my predictions how it will unfold the future There is a concern about many users privacy worldwide. Technology is constantly upgrading and internet is being used daily worldwide. Laws are constantly changing and there are many concerns about this. In this essay, I will be talking about why Companies are collecting data, laws regarding privacy policies and I will give prediction on how privacy issues will unfold in the future. WhatRead MoreThe Right to Privacy1287 Words   |  6 PagesThe Right to Privacy The Right to Privacy by Ellen Alderman and Caroline Kennedy involves many different issues, from drug tests and school searches to workplace and technology issues. To make their points Alderman and Kennedy have chosen interesting sometimes maddening cases involving everything from illegal strip searches by the Chicago police to questionable workplace psychological testing. People have different reactions to these issues and Kennedy and Alderman just don t have the solutionRead MoreThe Right to Privacy1258 Words   |  6 PagesIn this report I am going to talk about the rights people have to privacy and about the laws that go with privacy. Privacy is the thought that information that is confidential that is disclosed in a private place will not be available to third parties when the information would cause embarrassment or emotional distress to a person. The right of privacy is limited to people who are in a place that a person would reasonably expect to be private such as home, hotel room and even a telephone boothRead MoreHuman Rights and Right of Privacy3471 Words   |  14 PagesHUMAN RIGHTS AND RIGHT OF PRIVACY Prasanta Kumar Dey â€Å"Civilization is the progress towards a society of privacy. The savage’s whole existence is public ruled by law of his tribe. Civilization is the process of setting man free from men† - Ayn Rand : The Fountain head, 1943. The idea of privacy is as old as Bibalical notion of creation of progenies on earth. Even Adam and Eve tried to hide their nudity with leaves. Privacy is vital to the mental spiritual and physical wellRead More The Right to Privacy Essay1259 Words   |  6 Pages nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;In this report I am going to talk about the rights people have to privacy and about the laws that go with privacy. Privacy is the thought that information that is confidential that is disclosed in a private place will not be available to third parties when the information would cause embarrassment or emotional distress to a person. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The right of privacy is limited to people who are in a place that a person would reasonably expect to be

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Personal Statement Letter Letter - 1306 Words

Dear Mr. Schultz, If I added up all of the money spent on my daily rituals at your coffee shops, I could probably afford to enjoy a caffeine-free weeklong tropical vacation. However, no matter how good that sounds right now, nothing can come between my Starbucks addiction and me. Being such a devoted customer of your company, I feel obligated to share with you my opinion about why your Race Together campaign backfired. First of all, I want to tell you how I found out about the initiative you and your partners came up with. As I made my usual morning stop at the local Starbucks cafà © and was given my cup of coffee, I noticed the barista write #RaceTogether beneath my name. I was eager to ask her the meaning of this phrase, but she was already busy serving other customers. Later on that day, however, I decided to do my own research. As I googled the phrase, I immediately saw a massive explosion of negativity directed towards you and your company. Words such as hubristic, clueless, insensitive, and exploitative were being thrown at you. Twitter was fired up with a barrage of scornful tweets filled with visceral hate and disgust for Starbucks. â€Å"Not sure what †ª@Starbucks†¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¬ was thinking. I don t have time to explain 400 years of oppression to you still make my train. #RaceTogther†Ã¢â‚¬ ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¬ â€Å"Starbucks †ª#RaceTogether†¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¬ invites customers to talk about race. Uses only white hands in related photos.†Ã¢â‚¬ ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¬ â€Å"Believe it or not, we didn’t believe we could wipe out thousands of years ofShow MoreRelatedPersonal Letter : Personal Statement965 Words   |  4 Pagesaway messages to move ahead in your dissertation research (no matter what stage of the dissertation process you are in). I would like to initiate my response paper by expressing personal gratitude towards the information depicted throughout Dr. Doussett presentation. She did an exceptional job capturing her personal struggles combined with interventions to overcome those struggles. More importantly, she painted a real perception regarding the emotional action required to complete a dissertationRead MoreEssay on T.J. Rodgers Sister Gormley Case Study 5-1930 Words   |  4 Pages Vice President – Investor Relations REVIEW OF RESPONSE LETTER TO SISTER DORIS On April 23, 1996, Cypress received a letter from the Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia. The latter is a religious congregation of approximately 1,000 women and was, at the time the letter was written, the beneficial owner of a number of Cypress shares. The letter was a form letter, and it carried the stamped signature of Doris Gormley, OSF. In the letter, Sister Doris, speaking for the Sisters of St. Francis ofRead More Deontology and Homosexuality Essay887 Words   |  4 Pagesis to persuade the faculty advisor that censoring articles based the authors sexual preferences is morally incorrect. In the letter, I will aim to persuade the faculty advisor that the ethical decision-making model behind removing the article is at fault, and I will explain both personal and community worldviews that endorse diversity while avoiding generalized statements to preserve the relationship with my significant other. The Church follows deontology because they consider their own rulesRead MoreCareer Goals For A Professional Career Goal976 Words   |  4 Pagesbalancing everything and getting all tasks completed. Professional Career Statement Creating a professional career goal statement can significantly impact a resume. According to (Starzee, 2012) a professional career goal statement allows the candidate an opportunity to provide the employer a synopsis of the value they intend to bring to the organization. Below is a professional goal statement for a Client Relationship Professional: Engaging Client Relations Manager adept at evolvingRead MoreLetter Of The Board Of Directors Of Taylor International Academy1250 Words   |  5 PagesPlease accept this letter as my response to your letter of September 23, 2015 as well as my formal demand to retract the defamatory statements that were made in your letter. The Board of Directors of Taylor International Academy (hereinafter the â€Å"Academy†) established a reauthorization committee prior to the expiration of our charter agreement with Central Michigan University. Tom West and I served on the committee, and after Tom West’s resignation, Dr. Renita Clark served on the committee withRead MoreRhetorical Analysis Letter from Birmingham Jail1517 Words   |  7 PagesDevin Ponder Eng291-001 13 September 2013 Rhetorical Analysis Rhetorical Analysis of â€Å"Letter from Birmingham Jail† â€Å"Letter from Birmingham Jail,† by Martin Luther King, Jr., is a letter in which King is writing to his â€Å"fellow clergymen† in a response to their recent criticism of the actions he was leading in Birmingham at the time. The letter was written in April of 1963, a time when segregation was essentially at a peak in the south. Birmingham, in particular, is described by King as â€Å"probablyRead MoreThe Performance Of Lee Electronics1252 Words   |  6 Pagesas General Manager the congratulations are heartfelt, but personal recognition serves to increase employee self-esteem and job satisfaction which can maintaining performance levels (McShane Von Glinow 2013, p.110). Therefore, a combination of email, letters and presentation of results should be adopted. Communication Strategy The strategy required, to successfully convey the message to all staff, will use of emails, personalised letters and a slide presentation to middle and upper management. ThisRead MoreAnalysis Of An Open Letter To An Open Letter710 Words   |  3 PagesOpen Letter to an Open Letter to an Open Letter.† In this letter, published on McSweeny’s Internet Tendencies, he satirizes open letters that criticize open letters with a personal anecdote of a conversation he had with a lady in the gym in January. Morgan expertly blends an unconventional approach to his open letter with humor as he critiques the premise of open letters to open letters, encouraging his audience to simply listen to what others have to say. The brilliance of Morgan’s letter is howRead MoreBusiness-to-Business Messages1637 Words   |  7 Pagesincrease in the market competition among different participants in an industry, it has become imperative for business organizations to stay on the leading edge in terms of Excellency in its operations and effectiveness of its communication (Sheikh, U. Personal Communication, 2010). It is the communication effectiveness that makes an organization competitive and enables its business to grow at a faster pace than its competitors. Thus, there is an essence need to institute well-formulated communication strategiesRead MoreMartin Luther King Jr: An Analysis of the Letter from Birmingham Jail1184 Words   |  5 PagesAnalysis of the Letter from Birmingham Jail Written by Martin Luther King Jr., the â€Å"Letter from Birmingham Jail† is a paragon of persuasive writing that takes advantage of ethos, pathos, and logos in order to convince its readers to take MLK’s side during the American civil rights movement. The use of ethos defines MLK as a credible writer; the use of pathos appeals to his audience on a personal level; and the use of logos layers his arguments and claims with irrefutable reasoning and logic.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Mcb Dsdfdf free essay sample

UNIT-1 HEALTH AND MEDICINE UNIT 1 CBSE (SUMMARY) In this UNIT you will develop your WRITING SKILLS †¢ Listing factors contributing to good health †¢ Writing an informal letter †¢ Group discussion on good health SPEAKING SKILLS LISTENING SKILLS VOCABULARY SECTION MAIN COURSE BOOK †¢ Learning to present your views in a group discussion †¢ Expressing opinion †¢ Listening to a conversation/feature and understanding the topic and main points. †¢ Listening for information required. †¢ Understanding and interpreting spontaneous spoken discourse. †¢ Phrasal Verbs †¢ Understanding and using words related to health and sleep. Planning and organizing ideas †¢ Subtitling paragraphs †¢ Writing an e-mail. †¢ Expressing and responding to personal feelings, opinions and attitudes. †¢ Participating in spontaneous spoken discourse. †¢ Words related to benefits of laughter yoga. READING SKILLS Introduction (A) Do Indians get eno ugh sleep? †¢ Identifying the main points of a text. †¢ Analysing, interpreting and inferring the ideas in a text. †¢ Deducing the meaning of unfamiliar words. (B) Laughter the Best Medicine. †¢ Reading a poem for global and local comprehension and appreciation. †¢ Recognizing the organization of a prose text. C) Whopping HEALTH AND MEDICINE Walter Hudson †¢ Identifying the main points of a text †¢ Deducing the meaning of unfamiliar lexical items in a given context. †¢ Adopting different strategies to convey ideas effectively according to purpose, topic and audience †¢ Taking active part in a group discussion. †¢ Word extension using vocabulary related to eating and build. 1 HEALTH AND MEDICINE 2 In this UNIT you will develop your READING SKILLS WRITING SKILLS SPEAKING SKILLS LISTENING SKILLS VOCABULARY †¢ Writing a coherent †¢ Presenting opinions, paragraph supporting them †¢ Writing a diary with reasons. entry. Taking active part in a group discussion †¢ Punctuation †¢ Words related to Sports and games. †¢ Inferring the meaning of Words and phrases and using them in sentences. †¢ Subtitling paragraphs †¢ Sentence completion †¢ Class project and presentation †¢ Making a power point presentation †¢ Words related to herbal medicine and health. CBSE SECTION (D) The World of Sports. †¢ Selecting and extracting information from a text for a specific purpose . †¢ Categorizing sports activities. (E) Natures Medicines. †¢ Recognizing the organization of a text †¢ Deducing the meaning of unfamiliar lexical items †¢ Identifying the main points of a text MAIN COURSE BOOK UNIT-1 N I 1 (a) (c) HEALTH AND MEDICINE Introduction U In groups of 4-5, discuss and make a list of things that, according to you, contribute towards good health and wellness in an individual. a balanced diet (b) ____________ ( ) ____________ ( ) (d) ____________ ( ) (e) (f) (g) ____________ ( ) ____________ ( ) ____________ ( ) (h) ____________ ( ) (i) (j) ____________ ( ) ____________ ( ) (k) ____________ ( ) Source- Readers Digest (August 2006) Put a tick against the five most popular choices made by the groups in your class. How many groups included A good nights sleep as an important contributor to good health and well-being? A. Do Indians get enough sleep? A1. 1. Read the following feature article on Sleep Habits among the Indians. Aviral knew he was dead tired. Though it had been more than thirty eight hours since the forty four year old marketing executive returned to Delhi early one morning from New York, he was still recovering from jet lag. He had forced himself to remain awake the whole day as he had hoped to coerce his body into sleeping at night. MAIN COURSE BOOK T 3 HEALTH AND MEDICINE CBSE UNIT-1 2. But the much needed sleep seemed to elude him completely. I hardly managed any sleep that night, Aviral recalled. The time change had completely disrupted his sleep pattern, and when he got out of bed at 7a. m. to head for office, he was entirely ill at ease, to say the least. At the office, he could barely concentrate on his work. Aviral wasnt aware simply how exhausted he was until he had driven a quarter of the twenty-four kilometre stretch on his way back home in the suburbs of Delhi. He halted at a busy signal on the way, but fell asleep suddenly at the wheel. He woke up dazed after the motorist behind him honked. Aviral drove on, but feeling he couldnt focus any further, he decided to pull off the main road and parked the car in a quiet place. Then, he rolled down the windows a bit and managed to take a two-hour nap in his car. It was only after that that Aviral could drive home safely. 3. 4 MAIN COURSE BOOK CBSE HEALTH AND MEDICINE UNIT-1 4. It is an undisputed fact that not getting enough sleep can lead to problems in concentrating. In fact many sleep disorder experts think that lack of sleep is the reason for many ailments. Dr. Kumar Menon and his colleagues presented a study paper on sleep disorders in Mumbai in which they stressed on the need for early detection of the problem and concluded that it was high time that all the physicians woke up to sleep disorders and included sleep history in evaluating their patients. Whatever be the cause of not getting proper and enough sleep, weve all experienced the exhaustion caused by lack of sleep. Thus, sleep is as important to a healthy lifestyle as eating properly and exercising. Getting a good nights sleep is one of the simplest things we can do to stay healthy. A good nights sleep means waking up rested and invigorated. On an average, a healthy adult requires just over eight hours of sleep a night, according to Dr. Jeffrey Lipsitz, a Canadian expert on sleep disorders. However, the amount of sleep it takes to rejuvenate an individual varies from person to person. Its not a fixed number, opines Joseph De Koninck, a renowned professor of psychology, adding that if one consistently gets less sleep than one needs, then a sleep deficit accumulates. The time it takes for a sleep deficit to accrue depends on how consistent the problem is. Missing a couple of hours of sleep very night for a week is probably enough, says another psychiatrist Robert Levitan. Swarup Chatterjee, the 28 year-old IIM graduate and assistant manager at a BPO in Hyderabad, knows very well that he doesnt get enough sleep. I havent had more than four to five hours of sleep for the last three years. Theres always so much that needs to be done in my professional as well as per sonal life that I am constantly thinking. Swarup is fully aware that all that is very stressful and he admits that even though he has high energy levels, he is often tired and so he drinks several cups of coffee to counter the fatigue. But I know that Ill be able to concentrate better if only I got more sleep, Chatterjee concludes. In a study conducted by sleep-disorder experts, it was found that at least onethird of adults have significant sleep loss, i. e. they have just six and a half hours or less of sleep every night. Then a recent survey conducted in India has shown that 5. 6. 7. 8. MAIN COURSE BOOK 5 HEALTH AND MEDICINE CBSE UNIT-1 twenty-nine percent of Indians went to sleep only after midnight and sixty-one percent slept for seven hours or less. The survey also arrived at the conclusion that Indians were among the worlds earliest risers, with sixty-four percent getting out of bed before 7a. m. Is there a need to reiterate that Early to Rise is good provided a person follows the Early to Bed principle as well? A2. Now that you have read a substantial part of the feature article, work with your partner and jot down at least five reasons that, according to you, are mainly responsible for Indians today not getting the desired quota of sleep each night. Share your views with other pairs of students in your class . A3. ) b) c) On the basis of your reading of the article, answer the following questions: The direct result of lack of sleep is _____________________. Why is it important for physicians to wake up to sleep disorders? How will it help? What do you understand by sleep deficit? Why does the amount of sleep required to rejuvenate people vary from one person to another? Why does the writer refer to the early to bed principle ? Now, write a letter to your school going younger brother or sister who is sleep deprived. Advise him or her to make life style changes to his/her daily schedule in order to get the desired hours of sleep daily. Work in pairs and follow the CODER (Collect, Organize, Draft, Edit, Review) steps recommended for writing. Language Tips: (a) Remember to use the imperative form of sentences mostly. E. g. Drink a lot of water and take at least a fifteen minute stroll after dinner on a regular basis. (b) For the sake of introducing variety into your writing, use other forms of sentences making statements or asking questions, but consider the possibility of using modals like should, must, may, might, etc or using words or expressions that we usually employ when we advise others. ) A. 4. 6 MAIN COURSE BOOK CBSE HEALTH AND MEDICINE UNIT-1 E. g. You are recommended/advised to†¦.. You ought to You must not forget to. It is important to. A. 5. a) Phrasal verbs are multi-word verbs. These verbs consist of a basic verb + another word or words. The other word(s) can be prepositions and/or adverbs that modify or change their meaning. For example give up is a phrasal verb that means stop doing somethi ng, which is very different from give. In the article that you have just read there are a few phrasal verbs like: off-Manage to do something difficult or tricky/to steer or turn a vehicle pull off the road roll down : roll down (something) or roll (something) down (something) down especially by turning a handle head for : to go or cause to go (towards) woke up : arose from sleep/realized Now look through the unit of Health and Medicine, figure out the phrasal verbs that you come across and list them. b) Find words from the article which mean the same as the following: i. ii. compel (para1) evade (para 2) : to move ii. revitalize (para 6) iv. v. vi. A6. amass ( para 6) oppose (para 7) restate (para 8) Read the concluding part of the article on whether we get enough sleep these days. MAIN COURSE BOOK 7 HEALTH AND MEDICINE CBSE UNIT-1 1. Sleep is crucial to maintaining ones health. Without it, we increase our susceptibility to an astonishing array of health problems, including heart disease, stroke, diabetes, obesity and depression. Not sleeping enough can compromise your immune system, says Stanley Coren, noted professor of psychology and author of the very popular book, Sleep Thieves. You eat well and exercise in order to keep your immune system up, Coren goes on to explain, but if you arent sleeping, you undo all that good work. The immune system works best when you are sleeping, he says. Thats when your natural killer cells are generated. Natural killer cells are produced in the bone marrow and found in the blood and lymph fluid. They are part of the bodys defence mechanism against viruses, bacteria, even cancer, and they do not work properly in the persons who are sleepdeprived. A study in Turkey revealed that after 24 hours of sleep deprivation, the percentage of natural killer cells in the blood declined by 37 percent. Another study in the USA conducted on 23 boys and men found that one night of partial sleep-deprivation reduced natural-killer-cell activity to 72 percent of normal levels. Though their activity returns to normal when we begin to get proper sleep, the real problem is that a lot of damage might have been done to our bodies when we were sleep-deprived for several nights and our immune system might have left us undefended and susceptible to infection. Its not just our immune system that gets adversely affected when we cut down on sleep. According to Dr. Michael Sole, a Canadian cardiologist, there is a higher rate of heart failure among people with sleep disorders and sleep disturbances. He goes on to emphasise that there is increased evidence of C-reactive protein, an indicator of heart disease risk, in people suffering from sleep loss. Researches in various universities all over the world have discovered that chronic sleep loss can reduce the bodys ability to regulate hormones and process carbohydrates. In a study at the University of Chicago, the researchers reduced participants sleep from eight to four hours a night and after less than even a week, they noted changes in the body similar to the effects of early diabetes or advanced aging. Sleep disturbances increase the likelihood of prediabetic state of glucose intolerance and insulin resistance. Both these are also markers for heart MAIN COURSE BOOK 2. 3. 4. 5. 8 CBSE HEALTH AND MEDICINE UNIT-1 ailments. Dietician Ramona Josephson notes that insufficient sleep may affect three hormones that can contribute to obesity. . Theres a decrease in leptin, the appetite-suppressing hormone found in our fat tissue, she says. Ghrelin, the hormone controlling hunger pangs increases with lack of sleep causing greater feelings of hunger. Then a sleep-deprived body starts producing more of the stress hormone cortisol, which increases fat storage. Not only do the increased hormones resulting from sleep loss make us eat more, but induces us to qui ckly or mindlessly make wrong food choices because we feel fatigued and weak. The less you sleep, the more your chances of obesity, Josephson concludes. Sleep is important in keeping not only our waistline trim, but ensuring a balanced brain activity too. During sleep, brain neurotransmitters-the chemicals that deliver messages between nerve cells in the brain-are replenished. When we do not sleep well, our brain chemicals become depleted which leads to emotional disturbances like depression, anxiety and general feelings of sadness, anger and irritation. Find the words from the final part of the above article that you have just finished reading which mean the same as the words or group of words given below. a) Vital, very important (para 1): _____________________________ 7. A7. (b) the quality of being prone to or open to dangers, like a disease or infection or a weakness (para 1): (c) a wide range (para)1): _____________________________ _____________________________ (d) very badly in a damaging way (para 4): _____________________________ (e) a problem that has persisted for quite some time (para 5): _____________________________ MAI N COURSE BOOK 9 HEALTH AND MEDICINE CBSE UNIT-1 A8. Choose the appropriate options to complete the sentences below. . Lack of sleep (a) decreases laziness. (b) weakens the bodys capacity to combat diseases. (c) helps youngsters do well in their examinations. (d) prevents a person from gaining weight. 2. Natural killer cells (a) make a person look old pretty quickly. (b) are produced in large numbers when we stay awake. (c) help us fight viruses and bacteria. (d) work well even for sleep-deprived people. 3. C-reactive protein (a) when produced more in the body causes heart failure. (b) prevents us from having a good nights sleep. c) helps us to sleep peacefully. (d) assists in destroying natural killer cells. 4. If we dont sleep well, (a) we may lose our appetite. (b) we may become very thin. (c) our brain may stop functioning in a balanced manner. (d) production of brain chemicals increases. A9. Lack of sleep has a direct effect on the production of three hormones and brain neurotra nsmitters, which in turn has a bearing on our health. Complete the table below to show the above. 10 MAIN COURSE BOOK CBSE HEALTH AND MEDICINE UNIT-1 Lack of sleep (a) Leptin Effect on the production of _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ (b) Ghrelin _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ (c) Cortisol _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ Ultimate effect on us _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ d) brain neurotransmitters _________________________ ____________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ A 10 You have read about sleep deprivation and the ill effects it has on human beings. There are other work areas where youngsters remain sleep deprived and fall a pray to ill health. Listen carefully to some of the comments made about the business pro cess outsourcing (BPO) sector which is part of the ITenabled industry and do the activity. While you listen, complete the following statements by choosing the right option : 1. According to the speaker, call centre work is insensitive because: i. ii. the people cannot go to the toilets and need to concentrate very hard the people are expected to attend to all the calls that come through to them iii. it requires unflagging concentration throughout the day with minimum breaks for meals or visits to the toilet iv. the people are expected to work on the computer all day long MAIN COURSE BOOK 11 HEALTH AND MEDICINE CBSE UNIT-1 2. People working at call centers are not allowed to leave their desks because: i. ii. he managers do not want them to waste time smoking they have to attend the calls which come in one after the other iii. they have to work at their computers all day long iv. 3. they are paid very well The targets that have to be met by the call centre employees have been called unrealistic because: i. ii. they have to attend to too many calls in one day they have to attend to double the calls than call center workers in other countries iii. it is not hum anly possible to attend all the calls that come through to them iv. 4. the employees fall sick after working at these places Closed circuit cameras have been installed in these offices to monitor i. ii. whether the workers are smoking whether the workers are resting at their desks iii. whether the workers are attending their calls without wasting a minute iv. 5. whether the workers are visiting the toilets too often The statistics about the health problems suffered by these people are i. ii. 13% headaches,3%-eye fatigue,23% indigestion and constipation 3%- headaches, 13% -eye fatigue,23% indigestion and constipation iii. 23% headaches,3%-eye fatigue,13% indigestion and constipation iv. 6. 13% headaches,13%-eye fatigue,23% indigestion and constipation That most people are not happy with their jobs in a call centre can be inferred from the fact that: i. they are under constant surveillance 12 MAIN COURSE BOOK CBSE HEALTH AND MEDICINE UNIT-1 ii. they have to speak incessantly on the telephone iii. they have to stare at the computer screen all day long iv. they do not stay in the job for more than three years in a call centre. There are a A 11. You have listened to the woes of working number of other jobs which involve health, hazards. However, modern advancements and developments in various therapies have improved our living conditions. Given below are different view points. In groups of four, discuss and add to these views: The pace of life is very fast-theres a lot of stress and pressure, whether youre a student or an adult. Everyda y in the field of medical science there is new advancement. Various new therapies are emerging to provide holistic health In India, we have increased life expectancy There is growing awareness among people about lifestyle disroders Yoga and laughter therapies are some of the best therapies that are an answer to present day life-style diseases But there are also new diseases. Even absence of stress also helps in keeping good health. MAIN COURSE BOOK 13 HEALTH AND MEDICINE CBSE UNIT-1 SECTION B Laughter-the Best Medicine B1. Read the following poem. Take turns in reading them aloud with your partner and ensure that you put in the right sort of feelings and emotions and voice modulations and intonation to make your partner laugh heartily. Ogden Nash The Muddlehead I knew a man from Petushkee As muddleheaded as could be. He always got mixed up with clothes; He wore his mittens on his toes, Forgot his collar in his haste, And tied his tie around his waist. What a muddle head was he, That man who lived in Petushkee! They told him as he went about: Youve got ur coat on inside out! And when they saw his hat, they said: Youve put a saucepan on your head! What a muddle head was he, That man who lived in Petushkee! At lunch he scratched a piece of bread, And spread some butter on his head. He put his walking stick to bed, And he stood in the rack instead. What a muddle head was he, That man who lived in Petushkee! He walked upto a tram one day And climbed in very sprightly; 14 MAIN COURSE BOOK CBSE HEALTH AND MEDICINE UNIT-1 Conductor thought that he would pay, Instead he said politely: Parding your beggon, Kister Monductor, Im off for a weeks vacation; I stop you to beg your cramway tar As soon as we reach the station. Conductor got a fright And didnt sleep that nite. What a muddle head was he, That man who lived in Petushkee! He rushed into the first cafe: A railway ticket please, One way. And at the ticket office said: A slice of tea and a cup of bread. What a muddle head was he, That man who lived in Petushkee! He passed the man collecting the fares, And entered a carriage awaiting repairs, That stood on a siding, all by itself. Half of his luggage, he put on a shelf, The rest on the floor, his coat on his lap And settled himself for a bit of a nap. All at once he raised his head, I must have been asleep- he said. Hey, what stop is this? he cried Petushkee, a voice replied. Once again he closed his eyes And dreamt he was in Paradise. MAIN COURSE BOOK 15 HEALTH AND MEDICINE CBSE UNIT-1 When he woke, he looked about, Raised the window and leaned out. Ive seen this place before, I believe, Is it Kharkov or is it Kiev? Tell me where I am, he cried. In Petushkee, a voice replied. And so again he settled down And dreamt the world was upside down When he woke, he looked about, Raised the window and looked out. I seem to know this station too, Is it Nalchik or Baku? Tell me what its called, he cried. Petushkee a voice replied. Up he jumped: Its a crime! Ive been riding all this time, And here I am where I began! Thats no way to treat a man! What a muddle head was he, That man who lived in Petushkee B2. Discuss with your partner which part of the poem you liked the most and give reasons for your preference. B3. Humor is infectious. The sound of roaring laughter is far more contagious than any cough, sniffle, or sneeze. When laughter is shared, it binds people together and increases happiness and intimacy. In addition to the domino effect of joy and amusement, laughter also strengthens your immune system, boosts energy, and protects you from the damaging effects of stress. Best of all, this priceless medicine is fun, free, and easy to use. Given below the table are the benefits of laughter in a jumbled form. Complete the table by putting them in the relevant column. 16 MAIN COURSE BOOK CBSE HEALTH AND MEDICINE UNIT-1 The Benefits of Laughter Physical Health Benefits: †¢ Mental Health Benefits: †¢ Social Benefits: †¢ immunity Boosts Strengthens relationships Enhances teamwork Relieves stress defuse conflict Helps anxiety and fear Eases Promotes group bonding Lowers stress hormones Decreases pain Improves mood joy and zest to life Adds Attracts others to us Enhances resilience Relaxes your muscles Prevents heart disease MAIN COURSE BOOK 17 HEALTH AND MEDICINE CBSE UNIT-1 B4. Read the following article. Fundamentals of Laughter Yoga 1. The most important principle behind Laughter Yoga or the most significant driving force behind the several Laughter Clubs is the theory that Motion Creates Emotion. Quite a few people wonder how a person can laugh when he is in no mood to laugh or when one doesnt have any reason to laugh. However, the answer is very simple. For, there is a well established link between the body and the mind. Whatever happens to the mind happens to the body as well. This is easily understood and observed too. If a person is sad or depressed, his body also appears quite lifeless and sluggish. Such a person doesnt walk or talk enthusiastically. But, what most people fail to understand is that the opposite is also true. Whatever happens to the body also happens to the mind. I remember my father once telling me, Son, if you are sad or feeling a bit low, dont sit idle. Keep doing some physical work or go for a walk or do some jogging or go out to play some cricket or football. Youll feel better. And most of the times dad was proved correct. I would start feeling better quite soon. In an unhappy state of mind, if we bring ourselves to behaving or acting happy, soon enough we will start feeling light-hearted and chirpy indeed! So, Laughter Yoga aims to use the two-way body-mind link to change the state of mind through voluntary physical gestures which include repetitive clapping, chanting, specific body movements along with laughter and breathing exercises. The result is so positive and its effects are so powerful that the modern world today has witnessed Laughter Yoga overcome severe and chronic depression in thousands of people right across the globe. In fact, several Laughter Clubs have adopted the motto, If your Mind cant laugh, bring your Body to our club. Laughter is all about playfulness. Have you ever wondered why children laugh 300 to 400 times a day whereas adults would consider themselves very fortunate if they manage laughter 10 to 15 times in a day? This is because of that seriously wicked and interfering tool called the brain! Adult use their brains or minds first to comprehend humour and then decide if they have to laugh. Very often, they suffer 2. 3. 18 MAIN COURSE BOOK CBSE HEALTH AND MEDICINE UNIT-1 from what is said in Hindi the LKK Syndrome, that is Log Kya Kahenge or What will people say? This is called the Mind-to-Body Model of Humour. On the other hand, children, who do not allow themselves to be too affected by the LKK Syndrome and dont use their brain to seriously do the comprehension first, laugh the most while playing. Even if they fall into mud and slime while playing, they laugh heartily together without bothering about the consequences of soiling their spotlessly white school dress in case of a traditionally strict class teacher or headmistress in school or mother at home! Their laughter comes straight from the body and happily they dont make use of intellectual capacity of the brain for it. Very clearly, they exhibit the Body-to-Mind Model of Humour. It is this childlike playfulness that Laughter Yoga aims at cultivating in people who are quite stressed these days. What is sadly significant is the fact that more and more children and even women, to whom smiles and laughter and giggling should come as naturally as the turtle coming out of its shell to walk or leaves falling in autumn, are enrolling themselves as members of laughter clubs nowadays! 4. Laughter Yoga makes a clear distinction between Happiness and Joy. Happiness is a conditional response of the mind which is totally dependent on the fulfilment of certain desires of the mind. By its very nature, it is related to how ones life had been in the past or how it will be in the future! It is not there at all in the present moment. The ironical and sad fact is that even if some dreams, goals or aspirations are fulfilled, happiness disappears quite quickly as the mind starts chasing new goalposts-a new, job, a new house, a bigger car, etc. On the other hand, joyfulness is the unconditional commitment to be happy each moment, to have fun for the moment, despite the problems and challenges of life, no matter how insurmountable they seem to the mind. It is the promise that the Body makes to the mind to indulge in playfulness moment by moment and thereby give relaxation to it. During these periods of playfulness triggered by a plethora of physical activities like dancing, singing, playing and laughing, physiological and biochemical changes take place within our body that give us a sense of well-being that completely alters a negative outlook towards life and its challenges replacing it with confident positivism moment by moment. MAIN COURSE BOOK 19 HEALTH AND MEDICINE CBSE UNIT-1 5. Therefore, in Laughter Clubs, members develop positive conditioning of joy. By laughing together over a period of time, clapping in a rhythm ,chanting Ho Ho Ha Ha in unison and positive affirmations like Very Good Very Good Yay Yay, the brain develops new neuronal connections to produce happy neuropeptides and hormones in the body that rejuvenate the members. Illustration 6. Finally, Laughter Yoga rectifies shallow and irregular breathing, which is the direct consequence of stress and negative mental state. According to Dr. Otto Warburg, a Nobel Laureate, one of the main reasons for falling sick is the lack of oxygen in the body cells due to incorrect breathing. So, let us laugh together and get the oxygen back into our cells! 20 MAIN COURSE BOOK CBSE HEALTH AND MEDICINE UNIT-1 B5 Given below in jumbled form are the sub-headings for the paragraphs of the article that you just read. Arrange the headings in the right order against the paragraph numbers: (para 4) (para 6) (para 2) (para 5) (para 1) (para 3) B6. The unconditional nature of joy Healing power of laughter yoga Laughter-Positive Impact making members refreshed The conditioned Mind The link between Body and Mind Spontaneous laughter Now write an e-mail to your overstressed sister who is preparing for her Class XII exams suggesting her to join a laughter club to combat her anxiety. You may use the following points along with your own. Laughter lowers Blood pressure reduces stress hormones cleanses lungs and body tissues increases blood circulation boosts immune function produces a general sense of well being MAIN COURSE BOOK 21 HEALTH AND MEDICINE CBSE UNIT-1 Section C Whopping Walter Hudson C1 You probably know the meanings of the words workaholic and alcoholic. What do you think a foodaholic is? Walter Hudson was one. How much do you weigh? Walter Hudson weighed more, much more. This is his obituary. 1. WALTER HUDSON, who has died at Hempstead, New York, age 46, was once listed in The Guinness Book of World Records as the heaviest man on earth. About 183 cm tall and 274 around, with cherubic features set off by pigtails braided in the Cherokee style, he long devoted himself to the pleasures of the table. Four years ago, Hudson-then tipping the industrial scales at his top weight of 540 kg gained worldwide notoriety (as Whopping Walter) when he became stuck in his bedroom door. He was wedged there for some four hours. It took eight firemen to free him. Walter Hudson was born at Brooklyn in 1945 and, as he recalled, began gorging at the age of six. At 15 he was so obese his legs collapsed underneath him and he was confined to bed. MAIN COURSE BOOK 2. 3. 22 CBSE HEALTH AND MEDICINE UNIT-1 4. Indeed, except for the time when his family moved to Hempstead in 1970 and he was transported by motor-car (his then 266kg broke the seat,) he remained inside. Im just a foodaholic, he once confessed, I have no excuse. Hudsons eating habits were fuelled by food brought in by members of his family. He would generally start his day with a breakfast of two pounds of bacon, 32 sausages, a dozen eggs, a loaf of bread, jam and coffee. For lunch, Hudson favoured four enormous bowls of rice, four double cheeseburgers, eight boxes of fried potatoes, six pies, and six large bottles of coca-cola. For dinner he would eat six roasted corns, half-a-dozen yams, and another six or seven baked potatoes, ending with a whole apple pie. Between these main meals, he would eat a chicken or two, followed by noodles, string beans, six large bottles of soda, not to mention colossal sandwiches, and copious amounts of ice-cream. All I cared about, he recalled, was food, FOOD! 7. When not eating and sleeping he would watch television, listen to tapes and read the Bible-he had a particular penchant for the psalms and was apt to recite Psalm 121. I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills†¦ Hudson, though, was advised against sitting up for longer than five minutes because of the risk of being smothered by flab. The only exercise he engaged in was when he attended to his ablutions; it took him an hour to negotiate the six yards to the bathroom from his bedroom. Then in 1987, he found himself wedged in the door-way. The day I got stuck in that door, he recalled, that when the Lord got me the help I needed. The help to which he referred was offered by Dick Gregory, a comedian who masterminded the Slim Safe Diet Scheme. We think what might have happened, said Gregory about his new client, is that in 27 years of lying around he might, because of the reading of his Bible, have taken on the same characteristics as Buddhist monks slowed down the biological processes. But we dont know. Gregory placed Hudson on a 1,200 calorie-a-day diet of raw fruit and orange juice. For exercise he was advised to lie in bed waving his arms about like a conductor. Hudson soon lost some four inches off his knees, and within three months had shed 178 kg. It began to look as if he might fulfil such ambitions as visiting his 5. 6. 8. 9. 10. 11. MAIN COURSE BOOK 23 HEALTH AND MEDICINE CBSE UNIT-1 mothers grave, riding on the New York subway, driving into the country-and even flying to a clinic in the Bahamas, from which he envisaged emerging as a sylph of 13 stones. 12. But it was not to be. At the time of his death, of an apparent heart attack, Hudson reportedly weighed 508 kg. Rescue workers had to cut a large hole in the wall of his bedroom to remove the body. He was unmarried. Copy and complete the following table, using information from the boxes below. (Draw a X if there is no information to put in certain boxes. ) Year what happened weight C2 family moved to Hampstead New York; broke the motorcar seat 540 died 1991 1987/ 1988 1970 began gorging 362 kg 266 kg became stuck in bedroom door for four hours; eight firemen had to free him. 1945 went on a diet; lost 178 kg in three months. born in Brooklyn very obese; legs collapsed and he was confined to bed 508kg 1960 24 MAIN COURSE BOOK CBSE HEALTH AND MEDICINE UNIT-1 C 3. Find words in the passage from the paragraphs indicated within brackets and complete the following sentences. form, in each blank. 1. Some people are so_______________ to their work that they have no time for their family. (para-2) Harshads corrupt practices soon gained him___________________ in the city. (para-2) When a person is dehydrated, he should be given ____________________ amounts of fluid. (para-6) He visited various vintage car rallies because he had a _____________________ for old cars. (para-7) If you over-eat and do not exercise, you will become__________________. para-9) The driver had to _________________ the winding road to the mountain top with caution. (para-8) The new literacy programme _______________ a 20% increase in the literacy rate over the next two years. (para-11) Arrange the following words associated with eating on a scale ranging from peck to gorge. You may add more words to the list given below: peck gorge Use only one word, in its appropriate 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. C 4. eat words: gobble, nibble, bite, hog, feast, gormandize†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ b. Form a similar scale for words that describe a persons build: skinny obese MAIN COURSE BOOK 25 HEALTH AND MEDICINE CBSE UNIT-1 C 5. 1. Have a class discussion†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. What do you think life was really like for Walter Hudson? Was he happy? Did he have many friends? Think of the things that you do every day: what things could Walter not do? Also, what about clothes, chairs, a bed, washing himself†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Why do you think he did not go on a serious diet when he was much younger, so that he could live a fuller life? What advice would you have given Walter on his diet? Where do you think he got the money from to eat so much food? Who do you think bought and cooked all the food he ate? Were they also to blame for Walters obesity? The following is an entry in Walters diary: I woke at 10 am. I have put on 7 kg in the last three days. I watched TV all morning. All my clothes are now too small, so I phoned mother. She came at 3 p. m. with a tailor. He looked shocked and frightened when he saw me! He measured me for some new shirts and trousers. For evening dinner I had 10 baked potatoes, 2 kg rice, six meat pies, 12 bananas, and four large cokes. Then I had problems getting through the bedroom door I had to breathe in and squeeze my stomach through with my fingers. I went to bed at 8 p. m. and read the Bible. Write the next days entry in Walters diary. Make up information, in order to make your entry interesting. C 7. Writing a Message. Sometimes information is received over the telephone, public address system or in person by someone and then passed on to a third person. A message is a short, informal piece of writing conveying the information to a person for whom the information was intended but who was not at hand to receive the information. How to write a message Since a message is received at a particular time and conveys important information that the receiver must act upon, a message must have a date and time. name of person for whom message is intended must be clearly mentioned. The 2. 3. 4. 5. C 6. 26 MAIN COURSE BOOK CBSE HEALTH AND MEDICINE UNIT-1 message must convey all relevant details like the name of the person who left The the message, the reason for leaving the message and follow-up action required. Your father had recently gone for a health check. The doctor rang up to give the report. As your father was not at home, and you have to go out, you leave a message for him. Draft the message in not more than 40 words. Dr. Geeta : Is it 67890987? You : Yes it is. May I know who is calling? Dr. Geeta : I am Dr. Geeta Trehan from Trehan Surgical Centre and Nursing Home. I would like to talk to Mr. Uday. You : He is not here at this moment. Dr. Geeta : Could you please tell him that I have gone through all his test reports? They do not show any serious problem. If no improvement is seen during that period, we will go for some more tests. I feel he should continue the same medicine for another one week. However I have fixed an appointment with a Heart Specialist for two o clock tomorrow at X Hospital. He must come there by the appointed time with his reports. You : Thank you, Doctor. I shall convey your message when he comes. MESSAGE 27th January 20xx Papa Dr. Geeta Caller Trehan rang to say that she 7:30 pm had gone Date Salutation Body of message giving details: †¢ Who called †¢ Purpose of calling †¢ Follow-up required Time through your reports and she could find no serious problem. Other tests will be conducted if there is no improvement. Purpose of calling You must continue with the medicine. She has fixed an appointment Relevant details at X Hospital with Heart Specialist. You have to be there at two oclock tomorrow with your reports. Follow-up Signatory Janvi MAIN COURSE BOOK 27 HEALTH AND MEDICINE CBSE UNIT-1 C 8. Now, read the following telephone conversation which took place between Radhika and Gaurish. As Gaurish wishes to leave home immediately, he will not be able to meet his parents who have gone to the market. He leaves a message for his parents. Write the message for Gaurish in not more than 40 words. Radhika Gaurish Radhika : : : Hello, Is that Mr. Saxenas residence. Yes. May I speak to Mr. Saxena? I am Radhika, the roommate of his daughter, Nidhi. Papa is not at home as he has gone to the market. Is everything O. K. with Nidhi? Im her brother, Gaurish. Im sorry to inform you that Nidhi received an electric shock and is admitted to Sanjeevani Hospital. Oh! How did it happen? She was switching on the desert cooler when she received a shock and fell down unconscious. She was rushed to the hospital immediately. She is conscious now and wants to meet you and her parents. Thank you very much for informing us. Ill leave for the hospital immediately. Thats all right, Bye. Bye. D. The World of Sports Play is an integral part of human nature. By turning a useful activity into a sport or play, man has shown himself the way to indulge in it and concentrate on it over a period of time and get daily doses of benefit out of it. This is the reason why sports and games, from times immemorial, have been our best source of amusement and entertainment. Any sporting activity involves physical exertion and skill, with an individual or a team engaged in competition with one another for honour or sheer entertainment or both. It helps us to develop physically, mentally and socially too. Gaurish : Radhika : Gaurish Radhika : : Gaurish : Radhika Gaurish : : 28 MAIN COURSE BOOK CBSE HEALTH AND MEDICINE UNIT-1 D1. Discuss in small groups and select two games that, according to you, develop us the best (a) physically, (b) mentally and (c) socially. Give reasons for your choice. Physically: ______________________________ and _______________________________ Reasons for our choice: _______________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ _________________ ____________________________________________________________ _________________ ____________________________________________________________ _________________ Mentally: _____________________________ and __________________________________ Reasons for our choice: _______________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ________________ ____________________________________________________________ _________________ ____________________________________________________________ _________________ ____________________________________________________________ _________________ Socially: _________________________________ and ______________________________ Reasons for our cho ice: _______________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ _________________ ____________________________________________________________ ________________ ____________________________________________________________ _________________ ____________________________________________________________ _________________ D2. There are hundreds and thousands of sports and games being played all over the world. However, we can place them under the following categories in order to know about them in a more convenient and systematic manner. Some of the categories are as follows: 1. Team Sports 2. Athletics 3. Gymnastics 4. Racquet Sports 5. Water Sports 6. Combat Sports 7. Target Sports 8. Motor Sports 9. Equestrian Events 10. Adventure, Fun and Indigenous Sports MAIN COURSE BOOK 29 HEALTH AND MEDICINE CBSE UNIT-1 Working in small groups of 4-5 students, discuss and place the sports and games given below in the category to which each of them belongs. paragliding windsurfing kayaking kho kho decathlon D3 Go-Karting Formula One hurdles judo pommel horse sculling squash basketball fencing kickboxing pole vaulting dressage kung fu cricket malkham soccer snowboarding golf snooker kabbadi unctuate the following passage a new age cycle rickshaw that is light on both the pockets and the calf muscles of rickshaw pullers mobile games designed to battle life threatening diseases like hiv/aids and tb and a low cost computer that enables visually challenged students to read the textbooks these are all new inventions these are not innovations designed by phunjshuk wanngduaka ranchhoddas shamaldas of chanchad of 3 idiots fame much before aamir khans rancho made innov ation a household word these simple but powerful ideas were being quietly conceptualised and put to practice by enterprising Indians in various corners of the country. D4. Read this rags-to-riches story of a professional golfer from India. Ashok Kumar, one of the countrys leading golfers who rose from the ranks of a caddie, remembers his very humble beginnings very distinctly. The reason I am here in this swanky restaurant of the Oberoi, sipping coffee with you is because of golf. It has brought me name, fame and money and all that I could possibly ask for in life. Without golf, I am a zero, said the 27-year-old golfer with rare candour in a chat with Kalyan Ashok, a ports journalist working with Sportstar, one of Indias leading sports weeklies. Indias No. 3 golfer may not exactly be rolling in luxury at the moment, but he definitely leads a comfortable life-a far cry from the days when he used to sleep in a stable. Its destiny that brought me to this stage in life and I cant say that I deserve it, but its Gods gift to me through golf, said Ashok. Not the one to forget his past, Ashok Kumar keeps reminding himself how he came up in life. 30 MAIN CO URSE BOOK CBSE HEALTH AND MEDICINE UNIT-1 His story is stranger than fiction. Ashok was born into a poor family in Bihar that struggled to make both ends meet. (He has four brothers and two sisters. ) In 1988, his parents sent him away with his elder brother to Delhi and he worked as an errand boy at the Jaipur Polo Club. I used to work in the day assisting my brother and sleep in the stable at night. The club also had the Air Force golf course and I wandered on to it one day and watched the players and caddies. I thought of becoming a caddie, but I was too young then. I did not get the job, but the club hired me a few years later, recalls Ashok. It was then that he took to golf. He started practising in the club when no one was around. However, he was caught playing one day and was suspended from his job, as caddies were not allowed to practise golf. I was back to square one. Then I went away to help a lorry owner who was transporting sand. I remember the days when I had to pay five rupees to hire a blanket during winter and sleep in Connaught Place, Ashok said wistfully. MAIN COURSE BOOK 31 HEALTH AND MEDICINE CBSE UNIT-1 Six months later, when things cooled down, he moved back to the Air Force golf course and became a caddie to Amit Luthra, who was Indias top golfer and an Asian Games gold medallist. Luthra saab spoke to the club authorities and got me in, Ashok said with gratitude writ large on his face. Ashok learnt a lot from Luthra and one day he challenged his mentor to a play-off. I dont know what got into my head and I told him that I will beat him, to which Luthraji said that if I did that he would waive a months caddie fee. We played on the road, but I lost, Ashok smiled. Luthra, however, was very impressed with the young mans talent and got him enrolled at the Delhi Golf Club, which allowed caddies to play. Seizing this opportunity with both hands, Ashok went on to improve his game by leaps and bounds and in 1995, DGC selected him to play in the All India Junior tournament in Kolkata. I didnt know where Kolkata was. I thought it was outside the country! I travelled in an unreserved compartment, spending most of the time sitting in the bathroom or just outside as there was no place elsewhere. In Kolkata, he finished third and in the next two years he became the Junior Champion of the country. In 2000, he moved to the amateur ranks and two years later he became a pro, finishing his first season as Indias No. 5 golf player. Riding a wave of success, Ashok held the No. 1 spot in 2006 and 2008 and currently (2010) he is ranked No. 3. The moment he cherishes the most as a player is not the time when he won h is first major title but when he finished 18th in the Hero Honda-DLF Tournament in 2002. It fetched him a cheque of Rs. 1 lakh. I never looked back after that,Ashok remarked. In the early part of 2010, Ashoks golfing career got a boost when the Bangalorebased business and software company, Kaseya India, run by golf enthusiast, Mr. Girish Krishnamurthy, decided to sponsor him. I am a simple guy and with Kaseya around to take care of other things, I can concentrate better on my game now, Ashok says with determination as well as gratitude. It is his ardent wish that all golf links in the country should support caddies, as he feels that many of them have a lot of inherent talent simply waiting to be tapped. 2 MAIN COURSE BOOK CBSE HEALTH AND MEDICINE UNIT-1 Ashok has modelled his game on his golfing idol, Tiger Woods. Incidentally, he had met Tiger when he was a caddie to Arjun Atwal in Bangkok a decade ago. He hugged me when he was introduced by Atwal as a top amateur from India. I ask ed him for his advice, to which the legendary golfer simply said-dont think of beating others, they should think of beating you, Ashoks eyes sparkled when he recalled his meeting with Tiger. He faithfully follows that advice from the maestro and hopes to play with him one day. For the moment, I eat, drink and sleep golf. Theres no distraction in my life. I relax with some music and watch CDs of Tiger Woods, Ashok concluded. D5. Given below are some qualities that a human being may possess. On the basis of your reading of the passage, pick three qualities that you think the ace Indian golfer Ashok Kumar possesses and using incidents or statements justify your choice in a short paragraph of around 100-150 words. (a) pride (b) frankness (c) jealousy (d) humility (e) perseverance (f) compassion (g) goal orientation D6. The journalist has used some lovely words and expressions in the above story. Match the words or groups of words with the meanings given. A 1. swanky (a) B a return to the original situation from where one started highly unbelievable very quickly or in large amounts frankness very different fashionable and expensive a great performer pertaining to a natural quality that cant be removed 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. candour A far cry from stranger than fiction back to square one by leaps and bounds inherent maestro (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) MAIN COURSE BOOK 33 HEALTH AND MEDICINE CBSE UNIT-1 D7. D8. Use the above words and expressions in meaningful sentences of your own. You may use more than a sentence to bring out the meaning clearly. You must be fond of a sport or any hobby like painting or dancing or singing. Imagine that you have become a star in your field of interest. One day, you meet a poor boy with a lot of talent, but no resources to get himself the facilities to nurture his talent. As a successful person, who is very interested in nurturing his talent, you decide to become his mentor. How would you go about doing it? Write a diary entry on any given date ten years from now about the feelings that the young but poor talented person evoked in you and the plans you thought of to develop his potential. E NATURES MEDICINES E1. 1. Read the following article Natures Medicine Chest and complete the exercise that follows. The plant world is an immense store of active chemical compounds. Nearly half the medicines we use today are herbal in origin, and a quarter contains plant extracts or active chemicals taken directly from plants. Many more are yet to be discovered, recorded and researched; only a few thousand have been studied. Across the globe, the hunt will always be on to find species that could form the bases of new medicines. Humans have always used plants to ease their pains. They imbued them with magical powers and then gradually learnt to identify their properties. We can now enjoy the benefits of herbal medicines because, over thousands of years, our ancestors discovered which plants were medicinally beneficial and which were highly toxic. Thousands of years ago, the ancient Egyptians discovered simple ways to extract and use the active ingredients within plants. Egyptian papyrus manuscripts from 2000 B. C. record the use of perfumes and fine oils, and aromatic oils and gums in the embalming process. In ancient Greece in the 5th and the 4th centuries BC, Hippocrates, the father of medicine, was already recommending asparagus and garlic for their diuretic qualities, poppy as a way of inducing sleep and willow leaves to relieve pain and fever. In the 1st century AD, another Greek doctor, Dioscorides, established the first collection of medicinal plants. His treatise on the subject was translated into MAIN COURSE BOOK 2. 3. 34 CBSE HEALTH AND MEDICINE UNIT-1 Arabic and Persian. Centuries later, his work was also used by the Muslim scholars who influenced great universities of the period, particularly at Montpellier, Europes most famous centre for the study of botany. (2) 4. As a result of trade with Africa and Asia, the Western worlds store of herbal medicines was enriched by the inclusion of camphor, cinnamon, ginger, ginseng, nutmeg, sandalwood, turmeric and henna. For a long time, however, the use of both local plants and those with more distant origins was based on more or less fanciful beliefs. Throughout the Middle Ages herbal medicine consisted of a mixture of magic, superstition and empirical observation. From the Renaissance onwards, scientists and their scientific studies, discoveries and inventions came to the fore, rejecting alchemists elixirs and other magical remedies. Local plants were carefully collected and widely used to make infusions, decoctions and ointments. These plants make up the major part of the traditional cures that we have inherited. In the late 1700s, Carl Wilheim Scheele, a gifted Swedish chemist, obtained tartaric acid from grapes, citric acid from lemons and malic acid from apples. The techniques that he and his contemporaries used led to the isolation of the first purified compounds from plants that could be used as drugs. First came the isolation of morphine from the opium poppy in 1803, then caffeine from coffee beans in 1819, quinine from cinchona bark and colchicines from meadow saffron both in 1820 and atropine from deadly nightshade in 1835. One tree that generated considerable interest among scientists was the willow. In the early 1800s, chemists from Germany, Italy and France began the search for the compounds responsible for the acclaimed pain-relieving effects of its bark. In 1828, the German pharmacist, Johann Buchner, was the first to obtain salicin, the major compound in a pure form. In 1838, the Italian chemist, Raffaele Piria also obtained salicylic acid from the bark by various chemical processes. But these early compounds caused blisters in the mouth, and stomach upsets when ingested. In 1853, a French chemist, Charles Frederic Gerhardt, synthesised a modified form of salicylic acid-acetylsalicylic acid. But still it wasnt further developed for more than 40 years until a German chemist, Felix Hoffman, working for Bayer, rediscovered Gerhardts compound. Hoffman gave it to his father who suffered from arthritis and reported the beneficial effects. 5. 6. MAIN COURSE BOOK 35 HEALTH AND MEDICINE CBSE UNIT-1 7. Bayer decided to market the acetylsalicylic acid as a new drug for pain relief and patented the compound acetylsalicylic acid in 1899. At last from the willow, the first modern drug was born and, with 12000 tons of aspirin sold every year throughout the world, it has kept its number one position. From the 1930s onwards, advances in chemistry have made it much easier to reproduce the active ingredients in plants. But plants will continue to have a medicinal importance in their own right. Their active constituents may be slightly modified to improve their efficiency or to reduce their undesirable effects, but they are still vital for the treatment of disorders such as cancers and heart diseases or as a means of combating malaria. And they remain the essence of herbal medicine-an area that has still not been fully understood and explored. Some sub-titles are given below corresponding to each of the paragraphs of the article that you have just read. Match the sub-titles with their paragraphs by writing the number of the paragraph in the space provided. SUB-TITLES †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ E3. Birth of the first modern drug. Mans hunt for medicinal plants from ancient times. Contribution of Greek scholars Pioneering isolation of compounds The beginning of a new era of recreation of plant components with modifications Positive effects of new trade and trading routes The Wonder Tree Knowledge from ancient Egypt PARAGRAPH NUMBER _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ 8. E2. Find words from the passage that mean the same or nearly the same as the following: (a) (b) filled with a certain quality ( para 1 ) : ____________________________ scented or perfumed or sweet-smelling (para 2) : ____________________________ MAIN COURSE BOOK 36 CBSE UNIT-1 (c) (d) (e) E4. written work dealing with a subject systematically (para 3): _____________________ people living at the same time as others (para 5) : ____________________________ notably large or significant (para 5 ) : ____________________________ Complete the following sentences on the basis of your reading of the text in D1. (a) After the Renaissance, the major shifts that occurred in the approach towards herbal plants were -Isolation of compounds from plants to be used as drugs was the Complete the following flowchart that traces the contributory processes leading to the development of the first modern drug from the willow tree. (a) salicin, the first major compound, was obtained in 1828 (b) E5. (b) (c) (d) Felix Hoffmans contribution of rediscovering Gerhardts compound (e) - MAIN COURSE BOOK 37 CBSE UNIT-1 E6. Class Project Work in groups of 6-8 students to present your findings on any two of the herbal plants suggested below through a series of charts or a computer power point presentation. (a) Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) (b) Aloe vera (c) Arnica (Arnica montana) (d) Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) (e) (f) (g) Papaya (Carica papaya) Lavender (Lavandula officinalis) Black Radish (Raphanus sativus niger) (h) Pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo) (i) (j) Pineapple ( Ananas comosus) Peppermint (Mentha x. peperita) Please ensure that the whole class gets divided into 4-5 groups and each group must work on different sets or pairs of herbal plants. 38 MAIN COURSE BOOK CBSE UNIT-2 Education UNIT 2 MAIN COURSE BOOK (SUMMARY) In this UNIT you will develop your READING SKILLS WRITING SKILLS †¢ Completing a web chart. †¢ Taking active part in a group discussion †¢ Narrating incidents and events and expressing opinions. SPEAKING SKILLS LISTENING SKILLS VOCABULARY SECTION Introduction (A) My struggle for †¢ Writing a conversation †¢ Taking active part in a group discussion †¢ Expressing personal feelings, opinions and attitudes. †¢ Making a short speech clearly and confidently †¢ Participating in a debate, expressing and arguing a point of view clearly and effectively †¢ Role play involving conversation. an Education †¢ Identifying the main points of a text †¢ Deducing the meaning of unfamiliar lexical items Words to describe a persons character †¢ Words and phrases used in a debate Education 39 EDUCATION 40 In this UNIT you will develop your WRITING SKILLS SPEAKING SKILLS LISTENING SKILLS VOCABULARY †¢ Transcoding information from one text type to another †¢ Writing a letter to the editor. †¢ Taking active part in a group/class discussion †¢ Expressing opinions and giving reasons †¢ Adopting different strategies to convey ideas effectively according to purpose, topic and audience. †¢ Words and phrases related to education. †¢ Making an oral presentation, expressing opinions and feelings †¢ Illustrating a poem †¢ Writing a formal letter. †¢ Writing a biosketch. †¢ Writing an article. Taking active part in a group discussion †¢ Expressing and arguing a point of view clearly and effectively. †¢ Listening to a talk and understanding the topic and main points †¢ Understanding and interpreting message in a talk. †¢ Words and phrases occuring in news reports of human interest. †¢ Writing an article †¢ Writing a narrative piece. †¢ Listening to a talk and understanding the topic and main points †¢ Understanding and interpreting message in a talk. †¢ Names of professional courses †¢ Names of vocations CBSE SECTION READING SKILLS (B) Educating the Girl Child. †¢ Analysing, interpreting and inferring the ideas in a text. †¢ Retrieving and synthesising information from a range of material using study skills. (C) Inclusive Education Identifying the main points of a text †¢ Analysing, interpreting and inferring the ideas in the text †¢ Local and global comprehension of a poem. †¢ Deducing the meaning of unfamiliar lexical items. (D) Vocational Education †¢ Identifying the main points and supporting details and making notes. †¢ Reading a story and appreciating the main idea conveyed by the story †¢ Participating in a debate and expressing and arguing a point of view clearly and effectively. †¢ Role playing and participating in spontaneous spoken discourse. MAIN COURSE BOOK UNIT-2 N I 2 a) b) c) d) U Discuss the following questions in groups of four. Then share your views with the whole class. do you come to school? Why Why is it essential to receive an education? .. .. .. .. Do you know of anyone who is not educated? did he/ she not receive an education? Why Does he/ she want to receive an education now? why not? Why/ What are the reasons that may prevent a child from receiving education? Complete the web-chart given below on the basis of your discussion. MAIN COURSE BOOK T Introduction poverty A child may not receive education because of Education 41 EDUCATION CBSE UNIT-2 A. A1. My Struggle for an Education Read about a boy, Booker T. Washington and his struggle to receive an education. One day, while at work in the coal-mine, I happened to overhear two miners talking about a great school for coloured people somewhere in Virginia. This was the first time that I had ever heard anything about any kind of school or college that was more pretentious than the little coloured school in our town. I heard one tell the other that not only was the school established for the members of my race, but that opportunities were provided by which poor but worthy students could work out all or a part of the cost of board, and at the same time be taught some trade or industry. I resolved at once to go to that school, although I had no idea where it was, or how many miles away, or how I was going to reach it. I remembered only that I was on fire constantly with one ambition, and that was to go to Hampton. While at work here, I heard of a vacant position in the household of General Lewis Ruffner, the owner of the salt-furnace and coal-mine. Mother applied to her for the vacant position. I was hired at a salary of $5 per month. I soon began to learn that first of all, she wanted everything kept clean about her, that she wanted things done promptly and systematically, and that at the bottom of everything she wanted absolute honesty and frankness. Nothing must be slipshod and every door, every fence, must be kept in repair. The lessons that I learned in the home of Mrs. Ruffner were as valuable to me as any education I have ever gotten anywhere since. In the fall of 1872 I determined to make an effort to go. The small amount of money that I had earned had been consumed by my stepfather and the remainder of the family, with the exception of a very few dollars, and so I had very litt